Below are the pictures of me before and after (just Sharing) :

1) Set your target...
2) Prepare your mind set....(i want it!)

3) Start to set in your mind, how do people think of you if you are overweight....? or at certain weight yang menghilangkan keyakinan u?
4) Set in your mind.....I hate Fat...
5) Beli sehelai baju bersaiz lebih kecil yang anda tak muat, then targetkan 'mission accomplish' hanya lepas anda dapat pakai baju tu sehingga muat....
2nd Step : Habits Rescheduling
Reschedule your daily habit...

2) your meal taken habit daily.(berapa hidangan, what meals and timing)
3) cara mengunyah.(suggested 40 kali kunyahan (ikut sunnah), )
4) Kuantiti plain water yang diambil sehari...(maximum and minimum 6 dan 8 gelas sehari, try to avoid sweet water)
5) target kalori yang korang need to take daily.(my example: daily i take not more than 700 kcal perday...normal people 1600 kcal)
6) Schedule your spending toward food and cooking. (try to avoid too much buying of food atau makanan untuk dimasak...try to minimumkan atau kosongkan dapur.)
3rd step : Proper Meals taken
Proper meals schedule:
Be aware of your calorie taken.
Meal: try avoid yourself from taking rice. (jika terpaksa, ambik tak lebih dari sesudu)

1) Breakfast: 3 biji kuih (avoid kuih berminyak) + segelas air suam.
2) In between breakfast and lunch: Hot coklat or Nescafe + segelas air suam (to naturalize the sweets from hot coklat and Nescafe)
3) Lunch: Try to avoid rice: soup sayur + segelas air suam.
a. Or nasi sesudu + lauk berasaskan sayuran. (honestly, 99% of my diet is vegetarian)
4) In between lunch and evening supper: segelas air suam.
5) Dinner must be before 6.30 pm, kalau terlepas, please skip, never to take other food after that…the next meal only in the next meals (breakfast in the next day)
Schedule your calories based on my schedule:
* Morning not more than 200 kcal.
* Lunch not more than 400 kcal.
* Dinner not more than 100 kcal.
* All in all per day not more than 700 kcal.
4th Step : How to quickly loose weight via exercise on your targeted area.
To be continued....
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seswai gitu....
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